Spells (3e)

LevelSor/Wiz 9
ComponentsV, XP
CastingTime1 action
RangeSee text
TargetSee text
DurationSee text
SavingThrowSee text

Wish is the mightiest spell a wizard or sorcerer can cast. By simply speaking aloud, the character can alter reality to better suit the character. Even wish, however, has its limits.

A wish can do any one of the following:

  • Duplicate any wizard or sorcerer spell of 8th level or lower, provided the spell is not from a school prohibited to the character.
  • Duplicate any other spell of 6th level or lower, provided the spell is not from a school prohibited to the character.
  • Duplicate any wizard or sorcerer spell of 7th level or lower even if it’s from a prohibited school.
  • Duplicate any other spell of 5th level or lower even if it’s from a prohibited school.
  • Undo the harmful effects of many other spells, such as geas/quest or insanity.
  • Create a valuable item, even a magic item, of up to 15,000 gp in value.
  • Grant a creature a +1 inherent bonus to an ability score. Two to five wish spells cast in immediate succession can grant a creature a +2 to +5 inherent bonus to an ability score (two wishes for a +2 inherent bonus, three for a +3 inherent bonus, and so on). Inherent bonuses are instantaneous, so they cannot be dispelled. Note: An inherent bonus may not exceed +5 for a single ability score, and inherent bonuses to a particular ability score do not stack, so only the best one applies.
  • Remove injuries and afflictions. A single wish can aid one creature per caster level, and all subjects must be cured of the same type of affliction. For example, the character could heal all the damage the character's party has suffered, or remove all the poison effects from the party, but not do both with the same wish. A wish can never restore the experience point loss from casting a spell or the level or Constitution loss from being raised from the dead.
  • Revive the dead. A wish can bring a dead creature back to life by duplicating a resurrection spell. A wish can revive a dead creature whose body has been destroyed, but the feat takes two wishes, one to recreate the body and another to infuse the body with life again. A wish cannot prevent a character who was brought back to life from losing an experience level.
  • Transport travelers. A wish can lift one creature per caster level from anywhere on any plane and place these creatures anywhere else on any plane regardless of local conditions. An unwilling target gets a Will save to negate and SR.
  • Undo misfortune. A wish can undo a single recent event. The wish forces a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including the character's last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, the wish could undo an opponent’s successful save, a foe’s successful critical hit (either the attack roll or the critical roll), a friend’s failed save, and so on. The reroll, however, may be as bad as or worse than the original roll. An unwilling target gets a Will save to negate and SR.

The character may wish for greater effects than these, but doing so is dangerous. Such a wish gives the opportunity to fulfill the character's request without fulfilling it completely. (The wish may pervert the character's intent into a literal but undesirable fulfillment or only a partial fulfillment.)

Duplicated spells allow saves and SR as normal (but save DCs are for 9th-level spells). When a wish duplicates a spell that has an XP cost, the character must pay 5,000 XP or that cost, whichever is more. When a wish duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 10,000 gp, the character must provide that component.

XPCost5,000 XP or more (see above).
BlurbAs limited wish, but with fewer limits.