Spells (3e)

NameTree Stride
LevelDrd 5, Rgr 4
ComponentsV, S, DF
CastingTime1 action
TargetThe character
Duration1 hour/level or until expended (see text)

The character gains the ability to enter trees and move from inside one tree to inside another tree. The first tree the character enters and all others the character enters must be of the same type, must all be living, and must have girth at least equal to the character's. By moving into an oak tree (for example), the character instantly knows the location of all other oak trees within transport range (see below) and may choose whether the character wants to pass into one or simply step back out of the tree the character moved into. The character may choose to pass to any tree of the appropriate kind within the transport range shown in the following table:

Type of Tree		Range of Transport
------------		------------------
Oak, ash, yew 		3,000 feet
Elm, linden 		2,000 feet
Other deciduous 	1,500 feet
Any coniferous 		1,000 feet
All other trees 	500 feet

The character may move into a tree up to one time per level (passing from one tree to another counts only as moving into one tree). The spell lasts until the duration is expended or the character exit a tree. Each transport is a full-round action.

The character can, at the character's option, remain within a tree without transporting, though the character is forced out when the spell ends. If the tree in which the character are concealed is chopped down or burned, the character is slain if the character does not exit before the process is complete.

BlurbStep from one tree to another far away.