Spells (3e)

Descriptorssee text
LevelBrd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
ComponentsV, S
CastingTime1 action
RangeClose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
TargetThe character
Duration1 round/three levels (see text)
SavingThrowSee text

The character can merely meet the gaze of a creature and speak a single word to affect it with one of four magical effects: charm, fear, sicken, or sleep. The character selects one of these four possible gaze attacks when casting the spell. The character retains the gaze power for 1 round for every three caster levels and can use the gaze attack as a free action each round.

These effects do not affect undead creatures or extend beyond the plane the character currently occupies. The character is subject to the effects of a reflected gaze and is allowed any applicable saving throw. In the case of a reflected charm gaze, the character is held (as a hold monster spell).

The four versions of the spell are as follows:

Charm: Equivalent to the charm monster spell, except that the saving throw is based on spell level 6.

Fear: The subject flees in blind terror for 1d4 rounds. Once it stops fleeing, the creature refuses to face the character for 10 minutes per the character's caster level. If subsequently confronted by the character, it either cowers or bolts for the nearest cover (50% chance of either). This is an enchantment, compulsion, mind-affecting effect; it can be negated by a Will save (SR applies).

Sicken: Sudden pain and fever sweeps over the subject’s body. An affected creature’s speed is reduced by half, it loses any Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and it suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls. The creature remains stricken for 10 minutes per the character's caster level. The effects cannot be negated by a cure disease or heal spell, but a remove curse or successful dispel magic spell is effective. This is a necromancy effect; it can be negated by a Fortitude save (SR applies).

Sleep: The subject falls asleep. The creature sleeps for the character's caster level x 10 minutes but can be slapped awake. This is an enchantment, compulsion, mind-affecting effect; it can be negated by a Will save (SR applies).

Note: Each round, a gaze attack automatically works against one creature within range that is looking at (attacking or interacting with) the gazing creature.

BlurbCharm, fear, sicken or sleep one subject.