Spells (35e)

NameBigby's Interposing Hand
LevelSor/Wiz 5
ComponentsV, S, F
CastingTime1 action
RangeMedium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect10-ft. hand
Duration1 round/level (D)

Bigby's interposing hand creates a Large magic hand that appears between the character and one opponent. This floating, disembodied hand then moves to remain between the two, regardless of where the character moves or how the opponent tries to get around it, providing nine-tenths cover (+10 AC) for the character against that opponent. Nothing can fool the hand-it sticks with the selected opponent in spite of darkness, invisibility, polymorphing, or any other attempt to hide or disguise himself. The hand does not pursue an opponent, however.

A Bigby's hand is 10 feet long and about that wide with its fingers outstretched. It has as many hit points as the character when undamaged, and its AC is 20 (-1 size, +11 natural). It takes damage as a normal creature, but most magical effects that don't cause damage do not affect it. The hand cannot push through a wall of force or enter an antimagic field. It suffers the full effects of a prismatic wall or prismatic sphere. The hand makes saving throws as its caster. Disintegrate or a successful dispel magic destroys the hand.

Any creature weighing less than 2,000 pounds trying to push past the hand is slowed to half its normal speed. If the opponent weighs more than 2,000 pounds, the hand cannot reduce its speed but still affects the opponent's attacks.

By concentrating (as a standard action), the character can designate a new opponent for the hand.

BlurbHand provides 90% cover against one opponent.