Spells (35e)

NameImbue with Spell Ability
LevelClr 4, Magic 4
ComponentsV, S, DF
CastingTime10 minutes
TargetCreature touched
DurationUntil discharged
SavingThrowWill negates (harmless)
SpellResistanceYes (harmless)

The character transfers some of the character's currently prepared spells, and the ability to cast them, to another creature. Only a creature with an Intelligence score of at least 5 and a Wisdom score of at least 9 can receive this bestowal. Only cleric abjurations, divinations, or conjuration (healing) spells can be transferred. The number and level of spells that the subject can be granted depends on her HD; even multiple castings of imbue with spell ability can’t exceed this limit. If the character's limit of 4th-level spells decreases, and it drops below the current number of active imbue with spell ability spells, the more recently cast imbued spells are dispelled.

HD of 		Spells
Recipient 	Imbued
--------- 	------------
1–2 		One 1st-level spell
3–4 		Up to two 1st-level spells
5+ 		Up to two 1st- and one 2nd-level spell

The transferred spell’s variable characteristics (range, duration, area, etc.) function according to the character's level, not the level of the recipient.

Once the character casts imbue with spell ability on another character, the character cannot prepare a new 4th-level spell to replace it until the recipient uses the transferred spells or is slain. In the meantime, the character remains responsible to the character's deity or the character's principles for the use to which the spell is put.

To cast a spell with a verbal component, the recipient must be able to speak. To cast a spell with a somatic component, she must have humanlike hands. To cast a spell with a material component or focus, she must have the materials or focus.

BlurbTransfer spells to subject.