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SizeAndTypeMedium-Size Monstrous Humanoid
HitDice2d8+2 (11)
Initiative+1 (Dex)
Speed30 ft.
ArmorClass15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
AttacksBattleaxe +4 melee
DamageBattleaxe 1d8+3
FaceAndReach5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialQualitiesImmunities, scent
AbilitiesStr 15, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 6
SkillsClimb +7, Hide +6*, Listen +6, Search +5, Spot +3
ClimateAndTerrainAny mountains and underground
OrganizationGang (2-4), pack (10-20), tribe (10-60 plus 1leader of 3rd-5th level per 10 adults), or cult (10-80 plus 1 leader of 3rd-5th level per 10 adults and 1 mind flayer or medusa)
TreasureStandard coins; standard goods (gems only); standarditems
AlignmentAlways neutral evil
AdvancementBy character class


Blindsight (Ex): Grimlocks can ascertain all foes within 40 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as totally concealed. Grimlocks are susceptible to sound and scent based attacks, however, and are affected normally by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence) and overpowering odors (such as stinking cloud or incense-heavy air). Negating a grimlock's sense of smell or hearing reduces this ability to normal Blind-Fight (as the feat). If both are negated, the grimlock is effectively blinded.

Immunities (Ex): Grimlocks are immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

Skills: *A grimlock's dull gray skin helps it hide in its native terrain, conferring a +10 racial bonus to Hide checks when in mountains or underground.

Grimlock Characters

Grimlocks favor the barbarian class.