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SizeAndTypeLarge Giant
HitDice10d8+20 (65)
Initiative+3 (-1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed40 ft.
ArmorClass18 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +7 natural, +3 hide)
Attacks2 greatclubs +12/+7 melee; or 2 longspears +5/+0 ranged
DamageGreatclub 1d10+6; longspear 1d8+6
FaceAndReach5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacksSuperior two-weapon fighting
SpecialQualitiesDarkvision 90 ft.
AbilitiesStr 23, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 11
SkillsListen +10, Search +0, Spot +10
FeatsAlertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
ClimateAndTerrainCold and temperate hill, mountains, andunderground
OrganizationSolitary, gang (2-4), troupe (1-2 plus 1-2 brownbears), band (3-5 plus 1-2 brown bears), or colony (3-5 plus 1-2 brown bears and 7-12 orcs or 9-16 goblins)
AlignmentUsually chaotic evil
AdvancementBy character class

Ettins have no language of their own but speak a pidgin of Orc, Goblin, and Giant. Creatures that can speak any of these languages must succeed at an Intelligence check (DC 15) to communicate with an ettin. Check once for each bit of information: If the other creature speaks two of these languages, the DC is 10, and for someone who speaks all three, the DC is 5.


Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): An ettin fights with a club or spear in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls an arm, the ettin does not suffer an attack or damage penalty for attacking with two weapons.

Skills: An ettin's two heads give it a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Spot, and Search checks.