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NameHag:Green Hag
SizeAndTypeMedium-Size Monstrous Humanoid
HitDice9d8+9 (49)
Initiative+1 (Dex)
Speed30 ft., swim 30 ft.
ArmorClass22 (+1 Dex, +11 natural)
Attacks2 claws +13 melee
DamageClaw 1d4+4
FaceAndReach5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacksSpell-like abilities, weakness, mimicry
SpecialQualitiesSR 18, darkvision 90 ft.
AbilitiesStr 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10
SkillsConcentration +13, Craft or Knowledge (any one) +5, Hide +11, Listen +11, Spot +11
FeatsAlertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude
ClimateAndTerrainTemperate and warm forest and marsh
OrganizationSolitary or covey (3 hags of any type plus 1-8 ogres and 1-4 evil giants)
AlignmentAlways chaotic evil
AdvancementBy character class

Green Hags speak Giant and Common.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: change self, dancing lights, ghost sound, invisibility, pass without trace, tongues, and water breathing. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer (save DC 10 + spell level).

Weakness (Su): The green hag can weaken a foe by making a special touch attack. The affected opponent must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or take 2d4 points of temporary Strength damage.

Mimicry (Ex): Green hags can imitate the sounds of almost any animal found near their lairs.