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SizeAndTypeLarge Monstrous Humanoid
HitDice7d8+14 (45)
Initiative+1 (Dex)
Speed40 ft.
ArmorClass20 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural)
Attacks2 claws +13 melee, bite +8 melee
DamageClaw 1d6+7, bite 1d6+3
FaceAndReach5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacksImproved grab, rend 2d6+14, spell-like abilities
SpecialQualitiesSR 19, steely skin
AbilitiesStr 25, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10
SkillsConcentration +12, Hide +7, Listen +11, Spot +11
FeatsAlertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting
ClimateAndTerrainAny land and underground
OrganizationSolitary or covey (3 hags of any type plus 1-8 ogres and 1-4 evil giants)
AlignmentAlways chaotic evil
AdvancementBy character class

Annis speak Giant and Common.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the annis must hit a Large or smaller creature with a claw attack.

Rend (Ex): An annis that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+14 points of damage.

Tear (Ex): An annis automatically hits a held opponent with all its melee attacks each round it maintains the hold.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-change self and fog cloud. These abilities are as the spells cast by an 8th-level sorcerer.

Steely Skin (Ex): The steely skin of an annis reduces damage dealt by slashing and piercing weapons by 1 point of damage per hit. Conversely, their brittle bones increase damage dealt by bludgeoning weapons by 1 point per hit. (Treat combination weapons such as morningstars as bludgeoning weapons.)