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SizeAndTypeLarge Aberration
HitDice8d8+24 (60)
Initiative+5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed30 ft.
ArmorClass16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural)
Attacks2 claws +9 melee
DamageClaw 1d6+4
FaceAndReach5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
SpecialAttacksDestructive harmonics, reverberating harmonics
SpecialQualitiesBlindsight, protection from sonics
AbilitiesStr 18, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 12
SkillsHide +7, Intuit Direction +10, Listen +25, MoveSilently +10
FeatsDodge, Improved Initiative
ClimateAndTerrainAny underground
OrganizationSolitary or pack (3-5)
AlignmentUsually neutral evil
Advancement9-16 HD (Large); 17-24 HD (Huge)

A destrachan speaks no language but understands Common. If one must communicate, it does so through action.


A destrachan uses its claws only as a last resort or to finish off foes weakened by its sonic attacks. Being extremely intelligent, it often enters battle with surprise if possible. It first focuses on destroying metal armor and weapons and then changes to harmonics that disrupt flesh.

Destructive Harmonics (Su): A destrachan can blast sonic energy in a cone up to 80 feet long. It can tune the harmonics of this destructive power to affect different types of targets.

  • Flesh: Disrupting tissue and rending bone, this horrible attack deals 4d6 points of damage to all within the cone (Reflex half DC 15).
  • Nerves: The destrachan can focus its harmonics to subdue rather than slay. This attack plays havoc with nerves and sensory systems, dealing 6d6 points of subdual damage to all within the cone (Reflex half DC 15).
  • Material: The destrachan chooses wood, stone, metal, or glass. All objects made of that material within the cone must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or shatter. Objects (or portions of objects) that have up to 30 hit points are potentially affected by this attack.

Reverberating Harmonics (Su): The destrachan can use a wall, a ceiling, or even a floor to reflect any of the sonic attacks listed above (except those that would damage the reflecting surface). This attack affects all within 30 feet of the destrachan, which is immune to the effects of its own ability.

Blindsight (Ex): A destrachan can use hearing to ascertain all foes within 100 feet as a sighted creature would.

Protection from Sonics (Ex): While they can be affected by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence), destrachans are less vulnerable to sound-based attacks (+4 circumstance bonus on all saves) because they can protect their ears. A destrachan whose sense of hearing is impaired is effectively blind, treating all targets as totally concealed.

Skills: With perhaps the most sophisticated auditory organs in existence, the destrachan gains a +10 racial bonus to Listen checks.