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SizeAndTypeHuge Dragon
HitDice7d12+14 (59)
Initiative+1 (Dex)
Speed20 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor)
ArmorClass17 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural)
AttacksSting +9 melee, bite +4 melee, 2 wings +4 melee; or 2claws +9 melee
DamageSting 1d6+4 and poison, bite 2d8+2, wing 1d8+2; or claw1d6+4
FaceAndReach10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
SpecialAttacksPoison, improved grab, snatch
AbilitiesStr 19, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 9
SkillsListen +13, Move Silently +9, Spot +13*
FeatsAlertness, Flyby Attack
ClimateAndTerrainTemperate and warm forest, hill, andmountains
OrganizationSolitary, pair, or flight (3-6)
AlignmentUsually neutral
Advancement8-10 HD (Huge); 11-21 HD (Gargantuan)

Some wyverns speak Draconic, but most are too stupid to understand any language.


A wyvern can slash with its claws only when making a flyby attack, and it cannot make bite, sting, or wing attacks.

Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 17); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Constitution.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the wyvern must hit with both claw attacks. If it gets a hold, it hangs on and stings.

Snatch (Ex): If a wyvern gets a hold on a creature four or more sizes smaller, it automatically deals damage with both claws and its sting attacks each round the hold is maintained. The wyvern can drop a creature it has snatched as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A flung creature travels 30 feet and takes 3d6 points of damage. If the wyvern flings it while flying, the creature suffers this amount or falling damage, whichever is greater.

Skills: *Wyverns receive a +3 racial bonus to Spot checks when flying during daylight hours.